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Trail Management & Construction

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Trinidad Campus

Contact Donna Haddow at 719-846-5724

As Colorado’s first community college, Trinidad State has led the way in innovative programs targeting skills that are in workplace demand. This program follows in that tradition. There is a tremendous interest in trails of all kinds around the world, which has resulted in a strong demand for knowledgeable professionals in the trail building industry.

Trilbuilding imageTrail development as a career is taking off more than ever as environmentally sound practices and sustainable development come to the forefront in light of ecological and climate concerns, but that’s just part of the appeal of this career. For those who love the outdoors, having the grandeur of some of the most beautiful natural landscapes as their working environment ranks very high — as does working to create something lasting, while ensuring the sustainability and eco-friendliness of trails for many generations to come.  Ecological responsibility and sustainable development are critical components in trail development, and the skill set students gain in learning to build and maintain trails is an advantage they can take wherever they go in their recreation and trail building careers.

The program will make a major shift in 2025 moving to short-term, trails-related workshops offered in a continuing education platform (not for college credit).  Students will be provided certificates of completion and CEU's for professional development for each course taken.  This new model will allow Trinidad State to bring in trail trainers from around the world for short-term learning opportunities. 

Trinidad State has engaged Tony Boone, owner of Tony Boone Trails and a board member of the Professional TrailBuilders Association, to guide content.  Tony brings to the the program decades of experience working worldwide on trails.  His involvement was integral to the launch of the original program as well as this new model. 

We will use the Trails Skills Project as a guide for scheduling workshops. 


Job prospects:  According to Aaryn Kay, Executive Director of the Professional TrailBuilders Association, "The trail industry is exploding right now.  In the last five years their member companies have seen a 400% growth in gross revenue, and the largest struggle is recruiting and retaining quality trailbuilders".  

Over the next five years, trail development across Colorado will require qualified labor to meet the rapid growth in the outdoor recreation industry.  Trinidad State is the perfect location for short-term workshops and training because of its mountain location on the eastern edge of the Rockies.   There are two state parks within 10 miles of the campus. 

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